Apricot Lip Balm
- 1 t Beeswax (5 ml)
- 1 t Apricot kernel oil (5 ml)
- 1 t Calendula oil (5 ml)
- Few drops essential oil of lemon or orange
1. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler. Add the apricot and calendula oils, stirring constantly.
2. Remove the wax from the heat and continue stirring until it is partly cooled. Add the essential oils.
3. Store in a small glass jar.
Learn how to take care of your skin! Europeans have been taking advantage of the hydrating properties of honey for centuries.
- For a relaxing, sleep-inducing bath that will leave your skin soft and sweet-smelling, combine two ounces of honey with five drops of lavender oil. Add this mixture to your bathwater, light some candles and prepare to drift away into dreamland.
- Soothe irritated skin with yogurt. Rub in this cold, creamy food on problem areas to help with rashes and sunburn. If you have any left over, pick up a spoon and dig in!
This scrub will simultaneously exfoliate and moisturize your hands, and the lemon oil will give off an invigorating and refreshing scent.
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon honey
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon sugar
2 drops lemon essential oil
Beat the egg yolk in a bowl, then add the honey and oil. Stir well. Add the sugar and stir well. Lastly, mix in the lemon oil. Massage onto clean damp hands. Don’t forget to massage your nail beds and in between your fingers. Relax, and rinse off after about five minutes.
Let Your Hair Down
If you use a lot hair products like hair-spray or waxes, your hair can fall flat from the product build-up. To reclaim your voluminous locks, try a clarifying shampoo and use once a week. But to save money, simply mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a dollop of your regular shampoo and cleanse as usual. Gunk be gone!
For soft, shiny hair that catches the light, beat two eggs with a tablespoon of milk. Apply the mixture to your hair and rinse after 5-7 minutes.
For dry hair, try this hydrating mask from Fat-Free Kitchen.
1 mashed banana
1 beaten egg
¼ cup honey
3 tablespoons milk
5 tablespoons olive oil
Mix all of the ingredients together and massage into your hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse off. To really pamper yourself, relax in a warm bath while you wait for the mixture to soak in.
Olive oil will moisturize your hair, but to really nourish your hair from the inside out, check out these everyday foods that will help your strands grow out shiny and strong.
Put Your Best Face Forward
Many commercial face products use harsh chemical ingredients that can damage your skin. If you want natural beauty from natural ingredients, forgo the store-bought creams and make your own home beauty recipes.
Under-eye puffiness
If you skimped on sleep the night before, don’t let your skin show it. To de-puff under-eye bags, try these remedies:
- Cut up a cucumber and place the slices over your eyes. Cover with a cool, damp washcloth and relax for 10 minutes.
- Apply damp, ice-cold tea bags to your eyes for a few minutes. For this to work, the tea bags need to be caffeinated. If all you have is decaf, put some frozen peas or blueberries in a plastic sandwich bag.
- Wrap grated potato in two small squares of cheesecloth. Place the sacks under your eyes and rest for 10 minutes to reduce swelling.
Chocolate Moisturizing Mask
From body washes to rich lotions, chocolate beauty products are everywhere. This hydrating mask from Spa Index works well for normal skin. It will satisfy your chocolate craving, without the calories.
1/3 cup cocoa
3 tablespoons heavy cream
2 teaspoons cottage cheese
¼ cup honey
3 teaspoons oatmeal
Mix all the ingredients together and rub onto your face. Lie back for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.
Kiwi Face Cleanser
Packed with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, Spa Index’s citrusy-fresh cleanser works well on normal to dry skin. Buy two kiwis, one for your face and one for your dessert!
1 kiwi fruit
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 tablespoon orange water
1 tablespoon apricot or almond oil
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon finely ground almonds
2 drops of citrus essential oil, such as orange
Use a food processor to purée the kiwi until liquid. During processing, add yogurt, orange water, almond or apricot oil, and ground almonds. Process until thick and cream like. Add essential oil and stir to mix. To apply, massage gently over neck, face and the top of your breasts to cleanse. Rinse well. Makes one application.
By using the ingredients that you already have at home, you can create everything from masks to shampoos to lotions for natural beauty. Light candles, put on your favorite music and create a home spa where you can truly relax and get beautiful at the same time. Take time to indulge and pamper yourself with luxurious ingredients and you’ll feel like a goddess. And go ahead, eat the leftovers!
Really???? Really!
Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes
Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair
For shiny hair rinse with brewed Lipton Tea
Paint Elmer's Glue on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads disappear
Carefully rub a small amount of Preparation H into the skin under your eyes to eliminate puffiness (be sure to avoid the eye!). It will act as a vasoconstrictor and relieves the swelling instantly.
Heavy dandruff - pour on the vinegar!
Cover blemishes with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over them. The honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile and speeds healing. Works overnight.
Loose Powder -
Store your powder in a salt shaker to make it last longer. Everytime you brush powder on your face you loose at least one day's worth because it falls away and is easy to spill. With the salt shaker you canshake it on to the palm of your hand and apply with a large brush.
Blemishes -
You can fight blemishes with baking soda instead of acne creams. Add enough water to the baking soda to make a paste and apply to blemishes at bedtime to dry up pimples fast.
Dark Under Eye Circles -
Freeze parsley in ice cubes. Use the parsley cubes instead of eye creams to diminish dark circles and puffiness. Parsley is packed with chlorophyll which helps fade darkness, while the ice reduces the swelling.
Exfoliate -
Try using lemon juice. It contains citric acid, which removes old skin. Squeeze 2 drops lemon juice into a dab of your regular face cream. After applying to your face let it set for 5 minutes and rinse with a warm damp cloth.
Mixing Your Own Bath Salts -
You can save money by mixing your own scented bath salts. Add about 5 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1/2 cup kosher salt. Store in an airtight container until you are ready to use in your bath.
Body Brush -
Instead of spending money on an expensive and fancy body brush from a store. To buff away dry skin pick up a vegetable brush at the grocery store and use on dry skin before showering.
Shimmery Foundation -
Mix your regular foundation with shimmering eye shadow such as gold, beige, cream, white, ecru or banana, instead of spending money for the must have shimmery foundations.
Eyes -
Apply pink blush to eye lids for the season hot look. Dampen a shadow brush and apply blush from lash line to crease.
Hair -
Use salt instead of dandruff shampoo. It exfoliates dry, dead skin, so it's less likely to flake. Before you shampoo, massage damp scalp with 1 Tbsp. salt.
Color Enhancing Shampoo -
To make your highlights last longer mix 4 tbsp. vinegar to 1 use of shampoo and apply; let set 5 minutes before rinsing. White vinegar for light blonde hair Apple Cider vinegar for coppery red to dark red and auburn hair Balsamic vinegar for dark blonde to medium brunette hair