Yuck -- even the cleanest of homes can sometimes get ants. I can tell you how to get rid of those creepy visitors without chemicals! and there are some other great tips here as well.
Mint, believe it or not is a great way to keep ants away. Just hang sprigs of mint in your cupboards to keep ants out. You can also plant mint in your flowerbeds and window boxes.Another great way to keep ants out is just to sprinkle bay leaves in your window and door sashes or wherever you see ants. You can also store bay leaves in your canisters to keep them pest free. As a bonus, bay leaves keep a lot of different insects away.
Another non-poisonous ant deterrent is to mix two parts molasses, one part sugar and one part dry yeast. Put the mixture in some bottle caps and place it where you notice ants the molasses and sugar will attract the ants and the yeast will kill them! This mixture can also be used outside if ants are a big problem in your yard.
Prevention is your first line of defense. Keep countertops and cabinets clean. Store sugar and flour in air tight containers and wipe drips off of honey and jam jars so they won't attract bugs. Ants don't like citrus. An easy way to deter them is to spray door jambs, window sills, and foundations with lemon juice. It won't bother you because it smells so clean, but it will help keep those ants out. White vinegar is also a great mosquito deterrent; rub it on exposed skin before you go outside. It is inexpensive and the odor disappears once it dries. If you don't have any vinegar, try baby oil or a fabric softener sheet.
If you want to keep mosquitoes away from a backyard barbeque? Squirt some lemon dish soap on a white plate with a little water And put them around the area. They will eat the soap and die soon after! For a more attractive solution, plant or have pots of basil around your yard to discourage those bugs.