:( Don't feel good...

Nothing sucks more than when you are sick.. My daughter only wants to have a cool hand on her forehead and soft words, touches, love, and caring comfort.. steaming chicken soup, 7up with ice cubes and blessed sleep until she feels better..

My list of must haves:

-soft soft fuzzy blanket
- favorite pillow
-crisp clean sheets
-a fan blowing
-curtains drawn
-phone turned off

Ginger tea is soothing, helps nausea and is very easy to make.. - 1/4 tsp of the spice with 1/2 tsp honey in a cup of hot water.

Puking is the worst.. remember - nothing but clear liquids, none with artificial or refined sugars. EmergenC is okay, but pure water is best. NO food until it has been 2 hours since last vomiting. If you are continuously vomiting, try adding some sea salt, about 1/4 tsp or so, to your water. Do not guzzle. Small drinks often.

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do.. Even if you don't feel like it, keep chugging the agua... goes down better if it is icy cold..

Homemade Ailment Comforts!!

Achy Muscles:
Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 Tbsp. of horseradish in 1/2 c. olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil.

Arthritis Pain:
Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief, or spray with WD-40 and rub in.

Athlete's Foot:
Sprinkle cornstarch on your feet and in your shoes.

To disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few drops of Listerine, a powerful antiseptic.

Cover the boil with Hunt's Tomato Paste. The acids from the tomato paste will soothe the pain and bring the boil to a head.

Heinz White Vinegar will help to heal bruises. Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. It will reduce the blueness and speed up the healing process.


  • Burn on Tongue: Put sugar on it and let it dissolve.
  • Minor Burn: Apply a thin coat of Colgate or Crest toothpaste.
  • Sunburn: Empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water and soak in it.

Headache Pain:

  • Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers.
  • Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will go away.

Insect Bites and Stings:

  • Spray with WD-40.
  • Bee Stings: Apply a paste of meat tenderizer and water.
  • Chigger Bite: Apply Preparation-H.
  • Mosquito Bite: To get rid of the itch, apply soap to the area for instant relief.

Nail Fungus:
Apply Vicks Vapor Rub, or soak the nails in Listerine Mouthwash. The antiseptic will help to kill the fungus and will leave the nail looking healthy again.

Paper Cut:
Apply Chap Stick or glue. (Glue is used in most hospitals now instead of sutures.)

Sore Throat:
Mix 1/4 c. of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey. Take 1 Tbsp. six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.

Splinter Removal:
Pour a drop of Elmer's Glue over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticks to the dried glue.

Stuffy Nose:
Try chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffy nose.

Urinary Tract Infections:
Dissolve two tablets of Alka-Seltzer in a glass of water and drink it when you first notice symptoms. It will begin to eliminate your urinary tract infections almost instantly