Its Raining Cats and Dogs

Our pets are our family - but sometimes they have issues... as if we didn't have enough of our own! here are some pet tips and tricks..

Flea Shampoo ...
Dawn dishwashing liquid does the trick. Just add a few drops to your pet's bath and shampoo thoroughly. Be sure to rinse well to avoid skin irritations and then say good-bye to fleas!

Fleas in your carpet? ...
Use 20 Mule Team Borax ... sprinkle it on the carpet and let stand for 24 hours. (This will work if you get them back again.)

Rainy day cure for dog odor ...
Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe him down with Bounce or any dryer sheet. Instantly your dog smell springtime fresh.

Does your dog or cat have ear mites? ...
Eliminate them with a a few drops of Wesson Corn Oil in your dog or cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil will soothe the animal's skin, smother the mites, and accelerate healing.

Does you cat get troublesome hairballs? ...
Apply a dollop of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to your cat's nose. The cat will lick off the jelly, lubricating any hair in it's stomach so it can pass easily through the digestive system.

Kitty litter stinking? ...
To keep it fresh smelling, mix baby powder in with the litter.

Pet Urine on Carpet ...
First, blot up what you can with paper towels. Mix one tsp. of mild dish-washing detergent in one cup warm water, dip a clean towel in the liquid and working from outside in, dab at the stain. Do not overwet. Rinse with fresh water and blot dry. Next, add 1/3 cup white vinegar with 2/3 cup water and dab on stain. Rinse with water and blot until dry. Once area is totally dry (after at least 24 hours), sprinkle entire carpet with baking soda or rug deodorizer. Vacuum after a few hours.

Car and Dog Urine on Carpet ...(a tip from Trish, a reader)
For cat and dog urine before you put any cleaner on the spot, pour Hydrogen Perixode on it and then put a paper towel on top of it and presto .. the spot is gone! Quick and easy!
(this works on lots of spills)

Is your dog or cat shedding and leaving hair everywhere? ...
Rubbing the area with a sheet of Bounce will magnetically attract all the loose hairs.